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Web Site Design & Development

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Web Design GlobeYour Web site and the online presence it represents for your business is the primary tool for marketing your product or service.

At Azurelink, our goal is to help you make contacts and close sales. Toward that end, we employ a customer-centric approach when structuring your information and designing your Web site's graphical user interface (GUI). We don't mean you as the customer, we mean your customers. They need to find product information that is important to them, and with a minimum of trouble.

We look for interesting and creative ways to feature your business's products and services without hiding it behind technology. If we have done our job right, your customers have had a positive experience at your site and will remember you for it.

Our Web site design services include developing a site architecture, otherwise referred to as a "sitemap" to organize your company information, designing and creating the graphics for your GUI, writing editorial content and/or advising on ways to make existing content search engine friendly, programming the Web site pages in either HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP, or other appropriate site building languages, and then deploying your Web site on the Internet so that you can start promoting your business and closing sales.

Azurelink can also work with you to create mobile optimized versions of your Web site for various platforms, including iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. We can implement a host of social media features into your site such as Twitter feeds, Facebook Likes and Shares, or LinkedIn profile links. Blogs, Forums, Online Communities are some of the examples of Web site features we can build into your site. We can help you understand how all of these important marketing tools can work together to promote your business and increase your bottom line. We want to be your Creative Internet Technologies partner!

Contact Azurelink to arrange for a free one-hour consultation about your site project...

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Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com

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Azurelink serves clients from all over the U.S. Our home office is in the rural farming town of Townsend, Massachusetts.

249 Wallace Hill Rd
Townsend, MA 01469

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